
Akash Phadtare

         Gameplay Engineer
          Creative Technologist

Featured Work          

Samsung: NEON


NEONs are digital humans developed by the Star Labs team in Samsung Research America. I worked on pushing NEONs to their limits and making them interactive and playable inside a 3D space.

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The Butter Robot


From the Rick and Morty universe, the Butter Robot is a nearly-sentient machine, originally created for the sole purpose of passing butter. With life-like movements and trademark voice, Butter Robot's complex “emotion engine” creates unique interactions and personality as it struggles to find a purpose.

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Monstrous Molecules


I worked on Monstrous Molecules during my early times at Digital Dream Labs. This game aims to gamify Chemistry for younger audiences. While keeping that in mind, we also wanted to make the experience challenging and feel more “gamey” than other solutions. I joined Monstrous Molecules halfway through its production. Being the most senior engineer out of 3, I took the lead and spearheaded efforts to release the game on Steam and WebGL for Chromebook users.

Available Here >

Vertex Pharmaceuticals


I interned at Vertex Pharmaceuticals in 2019. I was hired as an AR/VR Innovation intern. I was given full autonomy to prototype one experience with AR and VR each. For AR, I found a use-case for an educational tool within the Clinical Trials department. For VR, I created a design tool for the civil engineers within Vertex to visualize a space. The latter received high praises because of its readiness. 

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